Benefits of Raising Chickens

There are many benefits of raising chickens for the many people who raise them. The main reason for raising chickens is that you can get a regular supply of eggs. The chickens are healthier without touching the soil as they are fed from a diet that is good for them. Eggs from a backyard chicken are more nutritious and vitamin-rich than regular farmed eggs. The eggs from backyard garden have firmer whites and brighter yolks, indicating the elevated protein content and nutrition. The taste is real difference here as the taste is difficult to describe.

The chickens can provide insect control, hunting and pecking around the yard. This is good for the soil as they scratch for bugs in the leaves for a good meal. They break down the largest pieces of soil with their beaks and improve fertility of the land with their 'manure'. They can provide lessons for children about responsibility and where the food comes from. They require food and water, and the coops must be cleaned regularly for them to stay healthy. When the hens are kept in a happy and stress-free environment, they are likely to produce healthy eggs more regularly.

When you get your baby chicks, it is not necessary to have a chicken coop. The baby chicks need to mature before you let them go outside. To keep them inside, you will need a large box and a heat lamp as this is needed for the first week. This is a very easy and rewarding experience, because you can care for the baby chicks and watch them grow big and strong.

When you start off raising chickens, there are several different kinds that are available. Several breeds standout as they make an excellent addition. One breed that is related to many of the other varieties is called the "Plymouth Rock". This is a friendly breed and makes a great starter bird for the new chicken farmer. The Rhode Island Red is a great bird which lays delicious brown eggs. Another chicken breed, known for their large eggs, but also for being noisier than the other birds are called Leghorns. Jersey Giant chickens are perhaps the largest chicken, and grow to the greatest weight. This type of chicken is good for meat production. The Americana is a breed that has fluffy feathers around its head. They lay blue eggs and are typically not raised for slaughter

Building a sturdy frame with open sides and top yields a good coop for the younger chickens. Leaving a small hole on one side leaves enough room for the chickens to get in and out of the chicken coop. Nail chicken wire around the top and sides, and secure it the wooden frame with hooks instead of nails.

Learn more tips about raising chicken and expert advice for how to build a chicken coop visit:

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