Keeping Hens for Eggs - Not the Only Positive Outcome

Keeping hens for your own fresh eggs is gaining popularity in today's world of growing your own so you know what goes into it and therefore what comes out. However, having your own fresh eggs is not the only reason for keeping hens.

Hens have their own personality and are in fact a great pet. Whilst they may not come to you for a pat, they are extremely inquisitive and charming.

You will find yourself watching your hens and enjoying their personalities.

Once your hens start to lay they become a lot more approachable and wishing to be closer to you.

It is great to see the hens do the 'chicken lay squat' when you put your hand out. This is where the hen will squat closer to the ground and hunch their wings.

You might enjoy walking outside during the day and seeing the hens come running towards you. It is actually quite comical watching them run.

You will have to make sure that doors are closed or you may find a hen coming in to check up on you. It can be quite a sight to be working at your computer only to be interrupted by a hen walking across the keyboard. Adds a dimension to the typing!!

Keeping hens can also be extremely beneficial for your garden. If you are lucky to have space and happy to allow the hens to roam free during the day, then hens certainly love it. However, hens can manage to spread dirt around. If this is not an outcome you desire then you may have to discourage your hens from you garden beds.

One way of controlling where your hens may roam is by a portable tractor. This is an enclosure that allows you to move your hens to where you want them to 'graze and scratch'. By doing this you can get a great impact from the hens scratching and actually getting the soil worked up or ready for planting. Imagine how much easier preparing your vegetable patch would be.

When cleaning out your chicken coop add this all to your compost and you will end with some of the best fertilizer.

As you can see that keeping chickens for eggs is not the only positive outcome. There is nothing better than being able to collect your OWN eggs. The taste, texture is so much better - give it a try.

Susan Webb lives in the Oberon district, Central Tablelands New South Wales, Australia. Whilst producing Beef and Wool is her occupation, keeping hens for eggs with her children has become a passion.

For more tips on Keeping Hens for Eggs visit

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